Do you want to launch your project?
Do you have your objectives defined? Do you know what the next step in your business is?
Do you manage to fulfil your planning or do you get scattered and focus on putting out fires?
Are you able to prioritise and organise yourself?
Do you want more freedom and time for yourself and your family?
No pierdas la oportunidad de transformar esa voz en tu cabeza que dice que no puedes conseguir tus metas, o que te pone excusas para que no te lances a por ellas… para que trabaje para ti y no contra ti.
“I want to enjoy my motherhood and my work and I don’t get it.
“I have so many doubts about whether I am bringing up my children well.
“Why doesn’t anyone notice my needs?”
“Sometimes I feel guilty for not getting to everything the way I would like to.”
“I would like to be able to communicate better with my children, without shouting and threats”.
Becoming a mother is probably the most profoundly life-changing event in a woman’s life.
It changes your priorities, your relationships with your partner, family and friends, it affects your work, even your body?
What to do when your situation changes and you can no longer do what you did before, how to overcome the feeling of “not getting everything done”, how to stop feeling guilty for not doing everything well, how to manage to share responsibilities with the other members of your family?
Keeping our balance or being overwhelmed by our emotions will make the difference between acting in a meaningful way, in accordance with who we are and what we want, or doing so without knowing where we are heading, at enormous personal cost to ourselves and those around us.
Because when you are clear about your priorities and how you want your life to be, everything is easier.
“No more forgetting about myself and thinking only about others.
“I have the time and the desire to do a thousand things. And I have decided to do it”.
“I want to take care of myself and be taken care of”.
“I finally feel strong and full of energy. I am in control of my life”.
After decades of work and family, with no time to stop, there comes a moment when, unintentionally or unwillingly, your life takes a 180º turn.
For a long time you have been the woman at the service of others: your children, your parents, your partner, even your work… Your interests were put aside, putting their well-being first. And now that things have changed, you realise that you need to move forward and take control of your life again. A life that today does not satisfy you as it is.
It’s time to act, to take care of yourself and to think about yourself. Without regrets. With enthusiasm.
So that you can get out of the stagnation and live the life you REALLY want, because it’s time and it’s your turn.
Do you want to feel that you are doing just what you want to do and how you want to do it?
Instead of feeling guilty, unmotivated and off-centre, it’s time to give yourself permission. To reorganise yourself. To review what you do and what you do it for. To be aware of what is essential, what you can discard and what you can do differently.
And that you don’t mind sacrificing things because the end result will be worth it. Because you know what you want in your life.
If you are at this crossroads, I invite you to take a step forward and start a coaching process.